How To Rejecte A Job Offer With A Proper Reasons

Rejecting a job offer isn’t really a pleasant experience. After all, you’ve put in a lot of effort to prepare for the interview. You though the job would meet all your expectations.
However, you wish to reject a job offer for some reason.
The question therefore arises: How to reject a job offer?
Rejecting job offer
Therefore, I’ll begin by listing the most common reasons for rejecting a job offer.

Common Reasons to Reject Job Offer

We reject job offers due to a variety of reasons. Therefore, it is best to state that very clearly & politely in your email or postal letter you’ll send to the company who made the job offer.
At the same time, you’ve to maintain a positive and healthy relationship with the company because you may have to approach them again in future. Or, the company might not wish to let you go and make a fresh job offer.
Common reasons for reject a job offer include:
  • Lower pay than you’re getting or expecting.
  • Job offer for a post other than the one you’re applying.
  • Relocating to another place to take the job.
  • You’re already got a job elsewhere and the offer is too late.
  • There’s something negative about the company.
  • The work hours are inconvenient.
Of course, there could be other reasons too, but these are the most common. Given these six common reasons, let’s see how to reject a job offer. And ensure the employer isn’t hurt by your rejection.
Now let’s see how to politely reject a job offer. Very diplomatically of course.

How to Reject a Job Offer?

Instead of giving email templates that you can copy and paste to reject a job offer, I will provide some vital points. You may include the relevant ones on the email or letter to reject job offer.

Express Your Gratitude

Understandably, you might be hurt for some reason and rejecting the job offer. That doesn’t mean you need to write a rude email or letter. After all, it’s better to leave the door open, if you wish to join that employer in future.
Therefore, start your email or letter addressing the person signing the job offer. At the same time, thank your interviewers too for providing you the opportunity. By doing so, you’re showing proper corporate etiquette.
When you thank the person making the job offer and interviewers, you’re taking that nasty sting away from the letter or email to reject a job offer.

Mention Interview Date

The next thing on your email or letter should be the date and time of the interview, Mention that clearly. You would find the details on the interview call email or letter.
If there’s a reference number on the email or letter, mention that as well within brackets. This helps the person you’re sending the job rejection letter to identify you clearly.
Mentioning the interview date is also important if you have to reject a job offer because it’s too late and you’re already working elsewhere. You’re indirectly yet politely showing the company about the delays from their side.
This means, the employer can’t blame you for rejecting a job offer anymore. After all, nobody will wait forever for a company to respond.

Reason to Reject a Job Offer

This is the trickiest part when you reject a job offer. Writing or mentioning the reason isn’t that easy. Therefore, honesty is the best policy. State the reasons for rejecting the job offer very clearly. However, as I mention earlier, be very diplomatic or humble with your words.
For example, if the pay is lower than what you expect, state that the salary they’re offering doesn’t allow you to meet growing needs of your family and dependents.
Also, you can blame the evergreen reason: inflation. Say that inflation doesn’t permit you to accept the lower pay.
If relocation is the reason you wish to reject the job offer, say so clearly. Write a couple of lines about why relocation doesn’t suit you such as commitments to family and dependents.
Regardless of the reason, always be very specific and describe why you’re rejecting the offer. Never blame the company or employer for any reason. That’s impolite and reflects poor corporate etiquette.
Furthermore, there’s nothing you would gain by blaming the employer. At the same time, there’s nothing to lose by politely stating the reason to reject a job offer because you have some issues.

Leave the Door Open

Leaving the door or gate open means, you’re rejecting the job offer but are willing to work with the company or employer at a future date. This is extremely important.
That small organization offering you the job might become a booming and prestigious multinational company within a few years. And your interviewers might still be there.
When you reject a job offer politely and offer genuine reasons, you’re leaving the doors open for another opportunity to work there. Therefore, you won’t feel that hesitation while applying for a job there later.
Nor would you fear meeting the same interviewers again. Also, if you become jobless for any reason and the company has vacancies that matches your skills, it would be possible to apply again.
Therefore, mention that you’re willing to work with the employer at a later date, if they have a suitable vacancy at the time.

Conclude on a Cheerful Note

Always conclude the email or letter to reject a job offer on a cheerful note. Say that you wish the person to whom you’re writing, interviewers and the company all success in future.
Add a line about the professionalism of the organization and congratulate them for maintaining high standards- even if that may not be the actual case. Our objective here isn’t to criticise anyone.
A couple of such sentences imply that you’re a well-wisher of the company despite rejecting the job offer. It shows you’re not holding any personal grudge against the company for any reason.
Express your regrets of not being able to offer your services to such an excellent employer due to whatever the reason you’re mentioning.
That’s because rejecting a job offer is also something that can affect your future career. Hence, it’s important to do so professionally.

Importance of Rejecting Job Offer

Not many people would tell you this. However, when you reject a job offer for any reason, you’re actually making a professional statement.
It implies you aren’t willing to work for cheap, accept any post, relocate and also have equal priorities towards your family.
If you’re applying elsewhere, you can confidently give reasons to reject a job offer during the interview. This helps the future employer to better understand and identify your personality and needs. Therefore, in every probability, they’ll make a better offer if they find you’re suitable for the post.

Closing Thoughts

It’s worth remembering that a company or employer made a job offer because they’ve genuine interest in your skills. The interviewer believes you can suit the organization’s requirements for the next few years.
Rejecting one can put an employer at severe disadvantage if they have only one vacancy and have chosen you. Often, some employers may revise the job offer if they believe you are being given a raw deal.
Therefore, it’s extremely important to send an email or letter to reject a job offer that’s very diplomatic and doesn’t hurt anyone’s sentiments.

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